Uttam Kumar's Popularity

Uttam Kumar ( উত্তম কুমার was a well known Bengali on-screen character and artist, who was conceived on September 3, 1926. As an individual conceived on this date, Uttam Kumar is recorded in our database as the 27th most well known VIP for the afternoon (September 3) and the 74th most prevalent for the year (1926).

Individuals conceived on September 3 fall under the Zodiac indication of Virgo, the Virgin. Uttam Kumar is the 1167th most prevalent Virgo.

Beside data explicit to Uttam Kumar's birthday, Uttam Kumar is the first most popular Bengali.

As a rule, Uttam Kumar positions as the 14011th most prominent renowned individual, and the 2368th most prevalent on-screen character ever. "The Famous Birthdays" inventories more than 25,000 well known individuals, everybody from on-screen characters to vocalists to researchers to sequential executioners and that's only the tip of the iceberg. In case you're interested to see who was conceived on your birthday, you can utilize our database to discover who, what, where, when and why. You can look by birthday, origination, specialty or some other data by composing in the inquiry box, or essentially peruse our site by choosing the month, the day, the horoscope, or some other interactive choice.

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