Lasting Love Story

Here they were, 2 of them, on a cold December morning in 2001, completely getting a charge out of the drive in the midst of the mountains. The following minute when she opened her eyes in the medical clinic, everything had changed. The blood report said "HIV Positive", and the encompass read "Sia". It felt like a jolt and at that time, she needed to discover comfort in her life partner's arms, yet he was no place in locate. 'Gosh! Is he fine after that lethal mishap?' With this burning trepidation, Sia screeched his name out loud. No reaction and her heart hurt, she hollered again looking at the entryway eagerly. Hearing the strides coming up the stairs, she hurled a murmur of alleviation, however was frustrated to see the attendant. The riddle of Abhi's nonappearance was slaughtering Sia. Her eyes were aching to see him sound and generous. The medical attendant, an old woman with a delicate grin, contacted her temple tenderly and gave her a bit significant. With trembling hands, she unfurled the bit of paper and took few moments to decode what was composed. Abhi, her cherished companion, compatriot, and would-be accomplice, had abandoned her when she required him the most.

They came out together sound from the dangerous mishap, yet it destroyed them.The glue of love
  ( ভালোবাসার কবিতা ) and care was cleared off, totally breaking the seal of friendship. Blasting out in tears on observing her folks, she appeared to be miserable. One occurrence had turned her life around. She was rendered HIV Positive, and her love had left her creation her vibe forlorn and dispossessed.

after 3 years in the year 2004:

Harvest time had set in, the virus breeze contacted Sia's face and she woke up from the serene sleep. In the wake of finishing the wake-up routines, she prepared to go to sanctuary again to thank god for giving her another rent of life. The blood report, 3 years back, which had disintegrated her life was a misstep. Subsequent to returning to Bangalore, her old neighborhood, she bound herself to her space for a month and it absolutely had a weakening effect on her wellbeing. Dark circles were unmistakable and Sia had lost huge weight. On her parent's consistent request, she accumulated the mental fortitude and went to the specialist once more. Subsequent to experiencing various blood tests, the report, fixed in a white envelope, had at last come after a long and tiring hold up of 2 days. On that cool day of January, Sia was perspiring lavishly, she held her breath and broke the seal. The report said "HIV Negative". Astounded, she couldn't trust her eyes. She bounced in the fervor and felt free and enthusiastic. It was trailed by 2 more blood tests to console the outcome and all tests turned out negative.

In the wake of returning from the sanctuary, while she was preparing for the workplace, her telephone rang. It was Sia's and Abhi's school companion Amar who had called her. After her separation with Abhi, she had broken every one of her ties with her old companions. Hesitatingly, she got the telephone and shuddered on hearing what Amar advised her. Abhi had spent away the previous evening because of AIDS, leaving his matured mother. One wrong blood transfusion in the year 2000 had made him HIV positive, however the acknowledgment just struck in 2001 after the mishap. He loved Sia hugely, and would not like to destroy her life. Without even a second's pause, he chose to exit from her life sparing her from every one of the torments. He changed the encompass to make Sia's report read the feared "HIV Positive". Knowing the way that Sia won't leave him significantly in the wake of knowing his condition, he settled on an intense choice of pulling back himself from her life. Such love! Sia was totally shocked that how might she have questioned his unadulterated, unadulterated love. With a twinge of blame, she moved out of her home and directed her vehicle towards Abhi's home.

After Abhi's end, she realized that she needed to deal with his mom. Despite the fact that they were not a married couple, they had quietly taken the marriage pledges in their souls and guaranteed each other of harmony, the day they realized they were in love!


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