Dengue Fever - Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Dengue fever ( ডেঙ্গুর লক্ষণ ও প্রতিকার ) is a generous, intense, febrile disorder happening in tropical areas. Dengue has been known as the most significant mosquito-transmitted viral ailment as far as bleakness and mortality. Fever, skin rash, bone agony and sickness and retching are regular side effects of this condition. In a little extent of cases, the infection causes expanded vascular penetrability that prompts a draining condition which is like spread intravascular coagulation (DIC) and is known as dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF). Dengue fever isn't infectious through individual to-individual contact. The quick, clinical reaction of dengue fever to forceful treatment, including liquids and electrolytes, even in intense patients, is among the most emotional occasions in clinical prescription. Treated speedily, kids in stun and trance like state can wake up and come back to approach commonality inside hours. The Ayurvedic treatment of dengue fever is planned for treatin...